Top Six Future Trends in Robotics and Automation

Robotics is a very rapidly developing technology. Over the past decade, many new developments have evolved in this technology. Looking at the rapid growth, robotics will spread in almost all the sectors of the society. Robotics is becoming very popular among industries set-ups.

Robotics technology has changed the way we look at manufacturing and production.

In future robotics holds great potential. In fact, many have claimed that robotics will replace manual manufacturing altogether. The world would be developed and different place. Thus, robotics is nothing but a revolution in industrial development.

A number of trends have emerged in this sector world over. Trends stand for all the key development areas of robotics. Many sectors of society are ready to face a huge stir. Robotics as a technology has the ability to change the operational structure of a whole sector in a matter of days. Some sectors have already started evolving. These changes are a result of emerging trends.

Trends keep changing. Yet, robotics has managed to remain a constant trend for years now.

Six main future trends that are set to change the meaning of manufacture are given below:

Future Trend #1: Industrial internet of things (IIOT) technology

A huge amount of previous data in manufacturing is inaccessible. With the development of technology, the robots will be able to access these previous unassessed data with ease. This trend has emerged recently. Industrial internet of things technology has gained immense popularity in a very short period.

Being able to access inaccessible data will help companies make improvements in production. This data might not have been accessed by anyone yet. You might find a solution to a worldwide problem, the anticipation of profits is never-ending. Thus, this technology will improve the efficiency and profits of companies.

Industrial internet of things technology has been receiving huge demands. A number of developments are still on the way. Companies feel that by employing such technology, they will not face production errors in the future.

Future Trend #2:  Industrial Cyber Security as a necessity

With the introduction of new trends in the technological sphere, a number of new threats follow. Over the last decade, cyber security became more legalized. Cybersecurity is not a new trend per se.

Earlier the situation was different, and the kind of protection needed by industries was different too. Now, robotics has started growing more than ever before. Now robots will have access to all the information of a company, cyber threats will increase. The increment is going to be very high. Robotics will require new and improved methods to secure the systems.

Few areas now need more cybersecurity are:

  • The need for cybersecurity in defense and space
  • Household robots
  • Disaster robots
  • Industrial units
  • Banking 

With new technologies evolving, ways of securing them need to evolve too!

Future Trend #3: Big data analysis is a competitive differentiator

With the development of robotics technology, big data is going to be managed by them. The development of such trends will require more input data from companies. However, the main task is to organize this information in the systems.

The task of organizing big data is in the hands of the company. Robots are set to become the key source of information in the future. More hard work is required for a higher scale of achievement.
Big data is considered as the biggest trend of 2019. Companies will be analyzed on who can compile big data most efficiently. Some of the benefits of big data are:

  • Makes information transparent which in turn unlocks significant value to a company’s name
  • With more data storage the better analysis will be formed
  • Narrow segmentation of customers and precisely tailored products
  • Brings valuable insights that would have been ignored otherwise
  • Better decision making
  • Helps in developing the next generation products

The companies, who are ready to grow will transform like never before.

Future Trend #4: Open automation articles

Companies need to stay firmly in the competition by responding to business opportunities. The goal of developing automation is to respond efficiently to business opportunities. Automation will rise to improve product compatibility. The technology will reduce the cost of

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Configuration

The final aim is to make robotic integration easier and less complex. In order to achieve these goals, large companies have been working day and night. Thus, once the product compatibility is attained, your company will lead the market stats.

Future Trend #5: The virtual solution to invade physical processes

The future of robotics anticipates that virtual solutions are going to be a very important part of robotics. They are all set to take over the physical processes. The virtual solution creates a proof of concept inside a robot. The closest possible application of real world is created. It helps the robot to start the minute it is created. Virtual solutions eliminate the possibility of design flaws. Systems born out of this technology have the ability to tackle very complicated problems.

Invest higher in virtual solution and yield even higher profits.

Future Trend #6: Collaborative robots to gain popularity

Robots have the ability to perform the same functions as humans in industries. Recently their uses have become very popular. There has been a rise in demand for robots in industries. Such robots are set to replace their counterparts.

Robotic automation of industries will now gain a lot of importance. It has been said that this technology will transform the face of industries in a matter of two years. Changes in robots and gain in their popularity have created many opportunities for this technology. Scientists have been studying this technology now more than ever.

Robots are the future of society. The industrial sector is not the only but just one of the many sectors to the impacted. Thus, robotics technology has made its way through many more sectors. Above are just the current trends. Nevertheless, one can surely say a lot is yet to come. In addition, the future awaits great developments. This is just the beginning.

Robotics is the beginning of a changed and improved future. Embrace it!


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