Digital Disruption In The Accounting Industry

Digital Transformation Summarized

Digital transformation refers to the move from physical to digital. It is the process of merging digital technologies into your existing business, modifying business processes and operations, and proffering value to your clients. It gives an opportunity to create a new business model that covers a variety of processes, changes, transactions and technological progression. It is a profound change approaching every nook and corner of your business.

Best 10 Advantages of Digital Transformation

  1. Adds value to your business
  2. Make your company’s operations more manageable and efficient
  3. Makes your presence globally
  4. Helps maintain a good clientele
  5. Ensures transparency of data
  6. Easy resource management
  7. Reliable data
  8. Helps in better decision making
  9. Improves efficiency
  10. Building the trust of the clients

Pillars of Digital Transformation- Holding Accounting Industry Upright

The accounting sector espoused the digital transformation to make the industry more productive in terms of revenue growth at a lesser cost and reducing payment losses due to clerical errors by handling complex data in a more efficient manner.

The three pillars to support the accounting industry upright to get potential and transformative results are:-

  • Digitization
  • Automation
  • Data security

The companies have adopted digital business strategies using mobiles and artificial intelligence assisted methods and gained productivity. Let’s orbit around these pillars.

Pillar No. #1: Digitization

Digitization generally refers to the conversion of analog/physical data into digital/computer-readable format. It is about going paperless actually. With the increase in population and mass businesses, handling paperwork to track, save, or retrieve any record from the past or present is no less than a hail. It really is a disaster to work on papers in an accounting firm.

Going Digital is what can bring a halt to this baffling work. Digitizing data enables the ease of processing bulk data within a far lesser time than hitting your head in a cabinet full of papers. Moreover, digital data helps to make you globally present through the internet and thus enhances the probability of gaining customers. 

Let’s take a simple and very basic example of digitization. You might have hundreds of contacts in your phonebook. At any moment you would need to call a person, how much time would it take to retrieve a number from the phonebook? I guess just a fraction of second. Correct?

Let’s assume the same case in the other way. Searching for a phone number would certainly be time-consuming if you have to dig it out from a diary where you might have written.

This was just a basic thing in our life which apparently is wider within itself without our realization that how time-saving it is for us being digital

Apart from saving time, digitization gives you/your clients’ real-time data to work upon or make independent decisions.

Pillar No. #2 Automation

Automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are all the domains of digital transformation and now are becoming part of the accounting industry at lightning speed.

From small dispenser machines to self-driven cars everything around us is automated today. Automation in the accounting industry is helping resolve complexities and processes, making it easier to manage the company’s accounts and financial information.

The best accounting software enables you to automate the overall accounting business and help you access it anywhere, anytime.

This disruption was very necessary to hold the accounting industry upright as managing large clientele and volume data is beyond the reach of a man. This biggest evolution not only saves time but eases the processing by diminishing human labor. The man obviously tends to get weary.

Automation has given wings to fly high towards other more important tasks. Now making/receiving payments, data transfers, retrieving reports, auditing, invoice processing, taxation, etc. are no more complications. Automated accounting also ensures accuracy in every output.

Pillar No. 3: #Data Security

The most important pillar of the accounting industry is ensuring data security to a large number of clients who keep their trust on their accountants to process all the confidential and relevant information of the business and their finances as well.

Do you know why data security is a significant pillar among the other two? The reason is that- it is a matter of credence. No business can survive if its customers do not have trust. Having and maintaining that faith is what makes them connected and keep going in the long run.

Automation and artificial intelligence are consolidated to program such reliable software that ensures 100% data security. The cloud-based accounting software allows users to use the virtual and remote space to save their data. It gives them the benefit of accessing data on the go. It also facilitates data backup to restore it completely in case of a system crash or some other catastrophe. 

Coming to the conventional approach data security was an intricate and delicate task. As paperwork is not completely reliable and hence your information is at risk.


The disruption is enormous and crucial as well.

These three pillars are like three legs of this tripod industry. It would be difficult to make this sector stand straight in this competitive era if any one of the three legs is missing. Like other industries/sectors, accounting tasks too, demands a value-based relationship with its respective clients to promote the growth of an organization. These pillars help you to deal with the entire possibility of crisis. Digitization, automation, and data security ensure the accounting industry to streamline the growth of an organization. Digital disruption has made accountants free to resolve and look after the other aspects of their job and make it hassle-free.  


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